The MoCI organizes an annual forum for companies listed on QSE

The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoCI) organized the annual Qatar Stock Exchange (QSE) Public Joint Stock Companies Forum, attended by representatives from QSE, Qatar Financial Markets Authority (QFMA), Qatar Central Securities Depository Company (QCSD) and the Qatar Institute of Chartered Accountants, as well as owners and representatives of public joint-stock companies and a number of entrepreneurs and interested persons, as well as local accounting firms and international organizations and companies operating in Qatar.

The Forum is part of the ministry’s desire to facilitate the conduct of investment and business in Qatar, and to provide all means of assistance to business enterprises. These efforts are aimed at raising the level of confidence in the Qatari business environment and strengthening partnership with the private sector, thereby leading to the achievement of Qatar’s National Vision 2030, endowed with a competitive, diversified and sustainable economy.
The Forum, which included a statement from a representative of MoCI, highlighted the importance of joint-stock companies to the national economy. In addition, he introduced the main amendments to Law No. (8) of 2021 amending certain provisions of Law No. (11) of 2015 promulgating the law on commercial companies, in addition to presenting the process of implementation update information on shareholders in the QCSD and to hold general meetings of public limited companies listed electronically in accordance with the provisions of the law on commercial companies.
Also during the Forum, the Ministry gave a preview of the services it provides to ASE-listed SOEs, and presented its efforts to expand and upgrade them, as well as improve the means of communication with them. Among these services is the presence and supervision of agents of the Department of Corporate Affairs of the Ministry of ordinary and extraordinary general meetings of public and private limited companies.
Following the Forum, officials from MoCI, QSE, QFMA and QCSD answered questions from participants on a number of topics related to listed companies and their relationships with the four aforementioned entities.

Melvin B. Baillie