the combined investment of people commenting in this forum would not be more than 10 crores. the op..

List price: NSE: Rs. 187.25

Dear pyh1122, you are making clueless assumptions about estimating other people’s investments in EKC. in EKC…… This is a simple communication tool for an ordinary person to start gathering information about EKC…… People are not stupid enough to just rely on the opinions…….there is a phenomenon called “RESEARCH”, and believe it or not, there are people who do research before they invest their hard earned money…people use the sites Web like Moneycontrol to gather financial information that helps make investment decisions… ….. In the meantime, you are as free as anyone else to express the opinion you desire. …..hahaha

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Dear pyh1122, you are making clueless assumptions about estimating other people’s investments in EKC….. No one can stop ignorant people from voicing their opinions….. DON’T OVERESTIMATE the power of EKC opinions. effectively influence … & nbsp

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Melvin B. Baillie