Readers’ Forum, March 4, 2022: Where will chaos end for America? | Letters to the Editor

Where will the chaos end for America?

Just watched the news this morning, what a depressing way to start your day. The world is in total chaos, nothing but bad news everywhere. I saw the president say that we should expect to make sacrifices for a while to protect democracy in Ukraine.

What a joke that is a slap in the face to Americans. He has killed the economy since he took office, even though we were fighting a pandemic, but we made so many mistakes managing it that it hurt people.

We were the largest producers of oil and natural gas in the world, now we are buying gas from foreign countries, including Russia, which is starting an invasion of Ukraine which we depend on for the minerals we need to make produced here in the United States.

If President Biden wants to worry about a country’s democracy, he should start with ours. He allowed over 2 million illegals into this country, transported them by bus or plane to cities across the country, without telling any governor.

He openly breaks our laws and doesn’t care, but his administration calls out people who question them, spouting hateful, racist comments, etc. What happened to freedom of expression? Look at Canada and how President Trudeau became an authoritarian leader, could it happen here? Between this administration, the media that doesn’t ask it hard questions, reports facts, censors those who disagree with their views, where will it end? Who really runs this country?

Every time President Biden’s polls drop, we seem to have some kind of crisis, to distract from what they’re doing.

You might not like President Trump, but he did more for this nation, and world leaders feared him because he put Americans first, making others pay their fair share for change.

The midterm elections will define our nation, we will return to “For the people by the people”, or we will transform into a socialist nation. We better get it right.

Who would have thought that we would be where we are now?

I hope President Biden wakes up and closes the border for real, resumes drilling, opens the pipelines, forgets his woke agenda, and starts enforcing our laws again. Do I think he will? No. They are only interested in power and more power. They want to divide us by race, don’t they know we are all created equal? We are each responsible for our own lives, we can get an education, a job, and strive to be the best person we can be. Raise our children to respect each other, our country and its laws.

In some ways, that’s where we failed.

Hopefully this won’t end in disaster for us.

— Janet Wood, Brazil

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Melvin B. Baillie