NEWS: Granblue Fantasy: Relink Game postponed to 2023 – Forum

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Registration: 27 Feb. 2021
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Posted: Fri Jun 10 2022 10:20 AM Reply with a quote

This will never come out

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Registration date: August 24, 2005
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Posted: Fri Jun 10 2022 10:25 AM Reply with a quote

Hilarious. Maybe cutting Platinum Games’ work was a bad move for Cygames. Who could have guessed.

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weird guy

Registration: Jan. 24, 2018
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Posted: Fri Jun 10 2022 11:12 AM Reply with a quote

I smell development hell

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Registration: 10 Dec. 2018
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Posted: Fri Jun 10 2022 12:51 pm Reply with a quote

Was a given as we heard nothing about the game this year.

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Registration: Jan 23, 2016
Posts: 761

Posted: Fri Jun 10 2022 2:31 PM Reply with a quote
Megiddo wrote:

Hilarious. Maybe cutting Platinum Games’ work was a bad move for Cygames. Who could have guessed.

I don’t think they gave it up at all. I think they kept the core engine and assets, but decided to take their time to develop additional content that fits the spec, and went from there. Cygames is likely using this project to train its staff and optimize its 3D development workflows in a way that will pay off for future projects.

The real problem is that it will probably end up competing Final Fantasy XVIwhich is a very bad idea.

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Registration: April 13, 2014
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Posted: Fri Jun 10 2022 7:46 PM Reply with a quote

Alright, hope the devs are doing well.

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Registration: Sep 21, 2014
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Posted: Fri Jun 10 2022 10:06 PM Reply with a quote
wolf10 wrote:

The real problem is that it will probably end up competing Final Fantasy XVIwhich is a very bad idea.

Why is 16 a bad idea?

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Registration date: August 24, 2005
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Posted: Fri Jun 10 2022 10:27 PM Reply with a quote
wolf10 wrote:
Megiddo wrote:

Hilarious. Maybe cutting Platinum Games’ work was a bad move for Cygames. Who could have guessed.

I don’t think they gave it up at all. I think they kept the core engine and assets, but decided to take their time to develop additional content that fits the spec, and went from there. Cygames is likely using this project to train its staff and optimize its 3D development workflows in a way that will pay off for future projects.

This is a game that was supposed to be released in 2018 and Cygames pulled Platinum Games from the project in early 2019 over 3 years ago as the game was supposed to be very close to release. I have no way of explaining how it will take them 4 years to complete the game, other than the fact that they have abandoned most if not all of Platinum Games’ work and started from scratch.

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Registration date: May 16, 2007
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Posted: Fri Jun 10 2022 11:34 PM Reply with a quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:

Why is 16 a bad idea?

They don’t say XVI is a bad idea, but a JRPG released around the same time as XVI is a bad idea.

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Registration: March 13, 2011
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Posted: Sat Jun 11 2022 12:39 AM Reply with a quote
Megiddo wrote:

This is a game that was supposed to be released in 2018 and Cygames pulled Platinum Games from the project in early 2019 over 3 years ago as the game was supposed to be very close to release. I have no way of explaining how it will take them 4 years to complete the game, other than the fact that they have abandoned most if not all of Platinum Games’ work and started from scratch.

And then we had Platinum Games, who are still struggling to make Bayonetta 3 and set a definitive release date for it despite announcing it in 2017, released a semi-poor job with Babylon’s Fall after 4 years of development and with the using FF14 assets to reduce cost and development time, and still have about 3 projects under the shelf like the GG project

So yeah, the basic explanation is pretty straightforward – PG actually barely worked on the game at development time (given that the game models and graphics were done in-house by CyDesignation) long before they were kicked out of the project, and then after moving to the new studio, COVID came in, which also had an impact on development.

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Registration: Jan 23, 2016
Posts: 761

Posted: Sat Jun 11 2022 9:28 AM Reply with a quote
Megiddo wrote:

This is a game that was supposed to be released in 2018 and Cygames pulled Platinum Games from the project in early 2019 over 3 years ago as the game was supposed to be very close to release. I have no way of explaining how it will take them 4 years to complete the game, other than the fact that they have abandoned most if not all of Platinum Games’ work and started from scratch.

To take another game as an example, Final Fantasy XIV threw away most of the 2010 version when it moved to 2.0, but everything else up to 6.0 (the equivalent of four other full RPGs) was just new content designed to run on the existing engine. So I imagine the job that Cygames contracted Platinum for was equivalent to a 20 hour game, at the NieR: Automata‘s Route A, but Cygames decided they could add the gameplay volume equivalent of Routes B and C (or maybe more) without needing Platinum on board. This is what I meant by “range creep”: the definition of what was considered “close to exit” changed. Cygames has been looking to properly open as a 3D development store since their work on the Area of ​​the Enders remaster, so they probably decided the best time to start was while the Granblue brand was still letting them print money. We will likely still see the parts that Platinum was directly involved in in the finished product.

Me personally, I’ve done some pretty great contract work, but the end of my contract meant the job was done, not the client had to throw it all away. The client also continues to add to the work I’ve done, as well as producing new content that builds on the work I’ve done without needing my involvement. That’s how procurement works.

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Melvin B. Baillie