Leaders at the World Economic Forum meeting said trust is one of the most valuable assets during a pandemic

Sanjay Pradhan, CEO of the Open Government Partnership, also mentioned a crisis of trust, while Hahrie Han, director of the SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University, said trust can be built by giving people the opportunity to design their own destiny. There is an urgent need to tackle the deep inequalities in the labor market, according to Jonas Prising, CEO of Manpower Group. European Commission Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit told The Davos Agenda that “we are in a huge period of transformation”.

Trust has become one of the rarest commodities in the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and huge inequity has been a key driver, experts said at the online summit on Tuesday. World Economic Forum’s Davos Agenda. The pandemic has shown that if one person is at risk, we are all at risk, said Sharon Burrow, general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, during a session on “Renewing a session on the global social contract”. . We need a new social contract as a result, but the big challenge is to rebuild trust, she added. The day also saw the annual Edelman Trust Barometer survey showing that restoring trust was key to societal stability. During various sessions at the WEF event, the trust challenge was taken up by a number of leaders, including social entrepreneurs, businesses, academia and beyond.

Summary of news:

  • Leaders at the World Economic Forum meeting said trust is one of the most valuable assets during a pandemic
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Melvin B. Baillie