Indonesia’s measures suggested at G20 forum on track

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The measures proposed by the government in the priority agenda of the G20 were on the right track, said the executive director of Prakarsa and Sherpa C20 Indonesia, official partner of the G20 of the civil society organization, Ah Maftuchan.

The top three priorities highlighted by Indonesia are reforming the global health system, transforming the digital economy, and energy transition.

“I think Indonesia’s offer is fair, as it reflects the real conditions in the country and in several developing countries, members and non-members of the G20,” Maftuchan told ANTARA on Saturday.

He noted that out of the three priorities, the second was more specifically related to the economy where Indonesia suggests an overhaul of global economic governance through digital technology that relies on empowering micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), the creative economy and the participation of people with disabilities, young people and women in the labor market.

“What Indonesia needs to do is ensure that some of these priorities can be translated into more operational and measurable steps that can be agreed by consensus at the G20,” he noted.

Maftuchan said these priorities reflect current global conditions and challenges.

He noted that the main challenge is to ensure that Indonesia’s proposals are unanimously endorsed by G20 countries for which it needs to be more active in communicating with G20 countries and other parties. linked.

Maftuchan said the focus on the issue of MSMEs, the participation of persons with disabilities, the empowerment of youth and women, as well as the reform of the global health system and the acceleration of the energy transition clearly indicate that the Indonesia was pushing the G20 to become more realistic and more supportive of the voices of developing countries and the general public.

Meanwhile, the daily chairman of the Indonesian Traditional Fishermen’s Association (KNTI), Dani Setiawan, had earlier stressed the importance of addressing various aspects of Indonesia’s maritime sector during the government’s G20 presidency.

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“The promotion of Indonesia’s maritime and marine potential must gain an important impression,” Setiawan noted on Saturday.

According to the chairman of the KNTI daily, Indonesia should strengthen maritime diplomacy measures as a national identity ahead of the G20 forum.

Therefore, Setiawan noted that the Indonesian presidency should be used to provide understanding and simultaneously put a measurable focus on facilitating entry conditions for fish and seafood products from Indonesia to other countries, especially in G20 member countries.

It also encouraged multi-regional cooperation to support mutually beneficial and sustainable management and use of fisheries and marine resources.

At the forum, Indonesia is also expected to encourage strengthening the protection of traditional small-scale fishers, including supporting global food security.

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Melvin B. Baillie