High Level Political Forum 2022, 9th meeting

1. (Panel) Civil society vision: Leaving no one behind to better recover. How can we identify those left behind and how can we provide social protection and other measures to contribute to more equal societies and build resilience?
2. Voluntary national reviews (Argentina, Ghana, Latvia, Philippines, Switzerland)


As the world struggles to recover from COVID-19 amid lingering crises, the HLPF will reflect on how recovery policies can reverse the negative impacts of the pandemic on the SDGs and put countries on the path to recovery. achieving the vision of the 2030 Agenda.

The HLPF will also take an in-depth look at Sustainable Development Goals 4 on quality education, 5 on gender equality, 14 on life below water, 15 on life on land and 17 on partnerships for the goals. It will take into account the different impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on all the Sustainable Development Goals and the integrated, indivisible and interdependent nature of the goals.

44 countries will conduct Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) of their implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The HLPF will adopt the Ministerial Declaration at the end of its session. The ECOSOC President will also prepare a summary to capture the key messages of the discussions.

The meeting of the HLPF in 2022 will be held from Tuesday July 5 to Thursday July 7 and from Monday July 11 to Friday July 15, 2022, under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council. This includes the three-day ministerial segment of the forum from Wednesday July 13 to Friday July 15, 2022. The high-level segment of the Council will conclude with a final day on Monday July 18, 2022.

Melvin B. Baillie