Al-Mashat participates in the United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
The Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, participated in the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, in a session entitled “Accelerating progress towards the SDGs through effective development cooperation in a context of fragility and COVID -19: Progress and Challenges”.
During the session, the Minister delivered a keynote address as part of the discussion on “Accelerating Action for the SDGs”.
The United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development is the main United Nations platform on sustainable development, and it plays a central role in the follow-up, review and implementation of the global agenda 2030.
The United Nations HLPF was established in 2012, by the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), “The future we want”, and it is held annually under the auspices of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
In his speech, Al-Mashat presented the Egyptian government’s efforts in international cooperation and development financing; advancing green economy efforts, achieving a comprehensive and sustainable recovery, overcoming the impacts of COVID-19, building the country’s economic resilience, and pushing for innovative financing mechanisms to promote climate action.
The Minister explained Egypt’s experience with the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) to shape the economic cooperation framework through the principles of economic diplomacy. It is about increasing effectiveness and accelerating progress towards the SDGs, taking into account the 2005 Paris Declaration on Effective Development Co-operation and the 2019 Kampala Principles on enhancing the role of the private sector through international cooperation.
Al-Mashat added that the GPEDC focuses on four main principles: country ownership, focus on results, inclusive partnerships, transparency and mutual accountability.
Furthermore, the Minister presented the principles of economic diplomacy which include; hosting multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs), mapping ODA to SDGs and storytelling of global partnerships. Through the first pillar, Egypt is able to maximize the results and impact of development cooperation, as in 2020 and 2021 various MSPs were organized on telecommunications, oil, supply, SMEs, the private sector and digitization.
In the second principle on ODA-SDG mapping, this creates a transparent and comprehensive framework for development cooperation by showing that the details of the ongoing portfolio of 372 projects (worth $26 billion) are reflected in the SDGs. The interactive map is available on the website of the Ministry of International Cooperation:
ODA-SDG mapping results in 2021 showed that the highest funding went to SDG 9, SDG 6 and SDG 7. Highest SDG to receive ODA funding was SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, at $5.9 billion, representing 22.3% of the portfolio, SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation at $5.3 billion, representing 20.3% of the portfolio, SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy amounting to $4.6 billion, representing 17.5% of the portfolio .
Additionally, in relation to SDG 13: Climate Action, there are 28 adaptation projects worth $2.85 billion in development finance that include energy efficiency, agriculture, wastewater management and water desalination, and $7.83 billion in development finance contributing to 46 mitigation projects, which include renewable energy. energy, sustainable cities and sustainable transport.
The Minister stressed that financing the development of these priority sectors strengthens the resilience of the country’s economy and increases sustainable investments, focusing on the energy, transport, water and energy sectors. agriculture.
Furthermore, it reinforces Egypt’s regional role, highlighting that the country is undertaking ambitious projects, such as sustainable transport with the expansion of dry ports in partnership with the private sector and international financial institutions.
Al-Mashat said international partnerships are also helping to strengthen food security and value chains in Egypt, through the expansion of modern wheat storage technology projects and increased storage capacity with elevators.
In the third principle of economic diplomacy, concerned with the narrative of global partnerships, Al-Mashat said that it is about promoting Egypt’s development stories by putting people at the heart, projects in action and the goal as a driving force.
Finally, the Minister spoke about Egypt’s preparations to host COP27 and the steps that were taken during the launch of the National Climate Change Strategy 2050, to improve the implementation of Egypt’s Vision 2030. Egypt, to push climate action and build Egypt’s resilience to climate change. future shocks.
Al-Mashat also highlighted the recent launch of the “NWFE Program”, aimed at promoting a list of national energy, food and water projects that would benefit from green investments and private sector engagement.
During the event, Al-Mashat also invited government officials and international organizations to participate in the 2nd edition of the Egypt – International Cooperation Forum (Egypt – ICF), which will represent an important preliminary gathering, especially for the continent. Africa, international institutions, and the private sector, before COP27.
This will help unify visions and discuss views and messages in terms of the role of the international community in promoting green transformation, tackling climate change and achieving the SDGs.