African Heads of State and Asset Owners Forum

NEW YORK, September 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ —

When: New York, NY September 20, 2022

Where: CFA Society New York – 1540 Broadway, #1010. New YorkNY 10036

What: CFA Society New York, the home society of the CFA Institute, had the honor of hosting the African Heads of State and Asset Owners Forum in his office yesterday, September 20e.


The African continent is changing. ESG projects are multiplying. The continental trade agreement promotes cooperation and formalization of the market. However, for foreign investors, due diligence issues and capacity issues remain.

  • African ESG projects are valuable, but decarbonizing Africa is not. Africa has 20% of the world’s population and produces only 3% of global carbon emissions
  • Asset owners generally welcome better information about African investments because they need data and information. They would like to invest time to get to know the continent better.
  • Policymakers said now is the time to strengthen partnerships between their countries and the world

Event: African Heads of State and Asset Owners Forum

In honor of the occasion, Thomas BrigandiCFA, Chairman of the Board of CFA Society New York and Founder of the CFA Society New York Asset Owners Series, delivered the welcome address at this African Heads of State Investor Dialogue conferences on climate finance during the 2022 United Nations General Assembly week, where he officially hosted African Presidents, Ministers of Finance, Business Leaders, Global Asset Owners, Asset Managers and Investment Consultants .

The opening ceremony included remarks from: Dr. Hubert DansoCEO and President, Africa investor, Ms. Cristina DuarteUnited Nations Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General on Africaand he Josefa Leonel Correia SackoCommissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission.

Keynote speakers from African Heads of State presented their priority regional investment and infrastructure projects that support Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the policies they are pursuing to stimulate and attract investment global and intra-African.

Distinguished Heads of State included:

  • HE Hassan Sheikh MohamudPresident of the Federal Republic of Somalia
  • HE Wavel RamkalawanPresident of the Republic of Seychelles
  • HE Adama BarrowPresident of the Republic of Gambia

The panel moderator was Dr. Hubert DansoCEO and President: Africa investor (Ai), Chairman: CFA New York Society Global Asset Owners’ Advisory Council, AiSWPFF, Chairman, African Union Continental Business Network (CBN), African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank Advisory Board (AfGIIB).

About CFA Society New York

CFA Society New York has been a premier forum for the investment community since 1937. CFA Society New York’s mission is to serve the needs of all members and investment professionals and to educate the investing public. CFA Society New York has spent years working on investments on the African continent. In years past, we’ve simply helped clarify risk-return profiles for analysts and portfolio managers who are members of the CFA Society New York. Later, we created educational programs to help asset owners understand the region. In 2019, we promoted a framework for infrastructure investment in the region. During the COVID lockdown, we brought together all African CFA companies to discuss these investments.

SOURCE CFA Society of New York

Melvin B. Baillie